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Bury pipe

WITHOUT digging!



Our goal with Hitch-N-Ditch is to provide an effective and effecient tool that will turn a full days work into a hour long job!



- Golf Course Construction

- Golf Course Maintenance 

-  Residential Landscaping -CommercialLandscaping

- Electrical Contractors

- Plumbing Contractors

- Irrigation Contractors

- Cable Installation



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7634 McElvey Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32408

United States


Phone: 850-596-3297





© 2013 by Hitch-N-Ditch. Ditch Witch Ditch Witch Ditch Witch Ditch Witch

Pipe Burial Pipe Burial Pipe Burial Pipe Burial Golf Course Construction Golf Course Construction Golf Course Construction Irrigation Contractor

Irrigation Contractor Irrigation Contractor Electric Contractor Electric Contractor Electric Contractor Plumbing Contractor Plimbing Contractor Plumbing Contractor Trenchers Trenchers Trenchers Trencher Trencher COAX-UF COAX-UF PVC Burial PVC Burial PVC Pipe Burial Landscaping Landscaping Contractor Landscaping Contractor


Product Features and Benefits:

- Lays pipe, wire, and cable below grade (18"-24") with a pickup truck

- Quick, Simple, and Cost Effective

- Can be used with a wide range of material

- No trenching required

- No recovering of a ditch

- Unlimited length of buried pipe or wire

- Improved productivity

- Helps complete projects in record time

- Pays for itself after the first job, Ditch Witch rentals cost $250 a day!



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